Thursday, 17 November 2011

My actors and Location

I chose my actors because they are both doing drama for a level, this means they won’t be camera shy and will be easily able to act a character. They also fit the stereotype of indie as they dress indie normally, because my music track is indie folk this will work well. I wish to show the girls as free spirits, Rosie Wynne and Georgia Steward both have very long hair and this will show their freedom and carelessness. The target audience of my video is young indie girls/women between 16-20 so my actors will appeal  to them because they are young girls and the audience can relate to them.

My music video doesn't have a story line as such instead it includes lots of messages about freedom and discovery, Kamilla sings about finding her peace and the importance of staying free, I use lots of wide open spaces in my video to show the freedom. There is only one moment which is filmed inside, this is an over the shoulder shot of Rosie gazing through a window, this symbolizes her longing for freedom which she later achieves. The song is also about friendship which is why I chose to use two actors because they are best friends. I also have a montage of pairs of people holding hands in my video to show wide spread friendship.


  1. Sorrell you need to post your story boards, evaluation of costumes, locations, props etc onto your blog without delay. At present your planning is very low Level 2. Your music video is worth your posting all your planning, particularly regarding your ideas related to the concepts liberty and discovery. You have some effective images in your music video and story boarding these is vital.

  2. You could also link your planning to Goodwin's Theory of music videos.

    I would also suggest you evaluate how important it was for you to avoid voyeuristic images of the female body in your music video.
