Thursday, 29 September 2011

Kamilla Lovett- sweet possibility, Lyrics

Sweet possibility- Kamilla Lovett

Today I think I made my peace
It settled in the front row sleeping on seats
Gazing through the window in the smouldering heat
Lazing out in the sun, grass underneath feet
Today bones rested in sleep
Laced around the space it's so damn sweet
Brazen just aint phased to admit defeat
Bitter sweet chase aint the food I eat

 And oh I say it's all to tide me over
and I’d be such a fool to stay unfree
And oh I say it's all to tide me over
Riding on that sweet possibility

You say you think we've saddled a storm
And rode it all day until the storm turned warm
Well dear sir I think I agree
Under carpet swept dirt won't capture me
Peace sir I can't conceal it
The future's dancing and yes I feel it
Peace sir though shall not hide
Bigger fish to fry then that well posed pride

And oh I say it's all to tide me over
And I’d be such a fool to stay unfree
And oh I say it's all to tide me over
Riding on that sweet possibility

1 comment:

  1. Sorrel you haven't posted any planning onto your blog for two and a half months. Could you please contact us if you are having technical problems.
